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SecondWind with Joyce

Apr 25, 2023

Change starts with the mindset to do it. So many people get stuck and blocked to make changes, but a mindset change is necessary for sustained change. This episode covers what is blocking your ability to make changes and how to create a mindset of success.

Zoilita Grant has been involved in human development for over...

Apr 18, 2023

Practicing intentionality is difficult in a world of multitasking. In this episode, author Melinda Salisbury shares how she has created more inspiration and joy in her life by being more intentional and practicing her word of the year, presence.

Melinda Salisbury is an author who lives on the southeast coast of the UK,...

Apr 11, 2023

Many people want to have a deeper understanding of the way God works through people. Understanding spiritual gifts and the way they show up is one way to learn more about God's work in the world. This episode tackles the topics of spiritual gifts and how to use your gifting to impact the world.

Blessed at a very early...

Apr 4, 2023

Heather Creekmore writes and speaks hope to thousands of women each week inspiring them to stop comparing and start living. Her first book Compared to Who? encourages women to uncover the spiritual root of body image issues and find freedom. Her latest release, The Burden of Better, offers women a journey into the...