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SecondWind with Joyce

Jun 27, 2023

Terri Banner Fitzsimmons (TK Banner) is the author, motivational speaker, and best-selling author of four books. She has been in the field of education most of her adult life as a teacher of all grades, a Sociology Professor for twenty years, and director of an Independent Study Program, helping adults earn their...

Jun 20, 2023

Rhonda Parker Taylor was born and raised in a small community in Texas. She came from a family of immigrants and was the first female to attend college in her family. Leaving behind her hometown and everyone she knew, Rhonda packed up her Mazda RX7 and headed to college. This was a huge adventure for her, as she had...

Jun 13, 2023

Laura Black is a retired attorney, award-winning businesswoman, author, and speaker. She
conceived and co-founded one of the first temporary legal staffing companies in the U.S., moving on to become its CEO after it was acquired by a public company. The company emerged as the largest in the nation of its kind. She helps...

Jun 6, 2023

Pamela Gail Johnson started her journey towards creating the Society of Happy People 25 years ago when she was working in the self-help field for the Hazelden Foundation. She worked in publishing and at one of the treatment centers, attending conferences and teaching empowerment workshops. She couldn't help but wonder:...